Saturday, January 30, 2010

Where Did All My White Blood Cells Go???

Friday came, and I was ready for my chemo treatment. My parents were in town, I'd planned my "first meal after chemo" (thanks Matthew!), and was mentally prepped to get it over with and move on. Then the tires on this truck came to a screeching halt.

"You're not getting chemo today"

I can't say it was completely unexpected, but I certainly had a good idea why. My Aunt Anne is currently fighting colon cancer, and after her first chemo treatment, her white blood cells didn't bounce back enough for round two. She took a medicine designed to promote white blood cell activity and actually had fewer white blood cells the next time! A second medicine proved to work, and she's been able to continue on with treatment.

I'm not sure if it's our fantastic Portuguese genetics (I will not hear any comments contrary about the Portuguese genealogy), but I had the exact same problem. I got a shot of medicine, and we're going to try again on Monday.

I have to say, the most annoying part about the delay is how it's messing up my scheduling. I had planned nothing for the weekend, knowing that I was going to be miserable. Now my Mon-Weds is messed up and I have nothing to do this weekend! Plus, it potentially pushes back other treatments, whether by changing the day of the week that I go, or which week is an on week/off week. Guess there's nothing certain with chemotherapy.

1 comment:

  1. You know, I'm not Portuguese (tho, sometimes I wish I were) - but I have always had an abnormally low white blood cell count. It's made me sick my whole life and it has baffled doctors. So I feel you on that one. It is rather annoying and something you often don't even think about.

    Glad you are hanging in strong. I love you very much and I want to hear how it went (if it went). Looking forward to seeing you soon. Let me know if you want company in the meantime. I live very close to you :) xoxo
