Monday, January 11, 2010

They Were Just Begging Me To Shop

So today was bone scan day. I had to go all the way out to Elmhurst to the lab, where they injected me with some radioactive fluid and told me I had to wait 2 hours before they could scan me. Of course, this lab was CONVENIENTLY located across the street from Target and a block away from the largest shopping mall in Queens. They were just begging me to shop for 2 hours, and I happily obliged.

I hadn't indulged in retail therapy yet, but must admit, I had a great time. I began to think... what is cancer patient sheik this season? I needed new lounge/pajama pants for Thursday's PET scan anyway, so I purchased an organic cotton pair (certainly very trendy in our increasingly eco/green friendly world). I also snatched up a bright yellow hooded sweatshirt to keep energy up. And of course, a couple of hats and scarves so that I can accessorize. I think I'm runway ready...

And yes, I also bought new jeans and some cute "going out" shirts. It wasn't all sweatpant sheik.

I also got myself a pill sorter (I feel like a senior citizen). I've started taking allopurinal, which helps my kidneys. Apparently, the chemo will breakdown the tumor and I'll pee it all out (giving new joy to every bathroom trip for the next 4-6 months!). If I don't take the medicine or drink lots of water, I won't be able to break it all down and I'll get really bad kidney stones... and eventually kidney failure. What fun! So anything (including a little plastic box with the day of the week on it) that helps me to remember to take my pills is helpful. I'm sure they'll be even more pills to take once the chemo starts.

The bone scan went fine. I did a good job at not moving for a very long time. I'm sure if you'd asked my mother when I was 5 or 6 years old if I was or would ever be capable of staying still that long, she'd have said "NEVER!"

Tomorrow is bone marrow sample day. Gigantic needle. Pain. And a great opportunity for me to practice meditating and finding Zen while they do it. Can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Way to take a negative and turn it into a positive! I admire your courage and your ability to inject a sense of humor into a process so scary that most people wouldn't be able to do that. I know this is helping you - it's also helping others now and will be a source of strength for others in the future. God Bless! Stay strong Ryan, heal quickly.
